Allison's Land

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Vacation payoff

It never rains, but it pours, eh? I just came back from a two week vacation, visiting my bf's mom. Okay, technically, he is my fiance, but I think that is just about the most pretentious word that I have ever heard. I like calling him my bf. I will probably like calling him my husband. But the f word?! Who are we all trying to kid? Just b/c we got engaged, doesn't mean that either of us has suddenly transformed into some five star culinary masterpiece. Hello, we're both already there!

Okay, that's totally off topic. My point was, I just got back from vacation, and already I feel just as swamped as I was before I left. Even more so, actually. I am scrambling to remember what I was doing before I left, dealing with new deadlines, and at the same time, taking on all sorts of new responsibilites.

The vacation was wonderful. I did hardly any work while I was gone - I only stayed in touch with projects. But the after effect...I dunno. I guess I am suffering from a vacation hangover. Only, I didn't experience this the morning after. It's more like the whole next week!

Ah well, it's always exciting in Allison's land ;)


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