Allison's Land

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Canadian Thanksgiving has an abstract origin, unlike the American holiday, which has a specific story about pilgrims and Native Americans. The Canadian feast is a harvest festival, like the ones celebrated by our pagan ancestors long ago. It is a religious holiday, where we give thanks to our God. It is an ode to the British Loyalists, who came up long ago and brought an American tradition. It is an excuse to get together with friends and family, and share food.

In many ways, this is a good example of what it means to be Canadian. We are given a holiday, and not told why we need to celebrate it - we are allowed to find our own reason. What a gift!


At 1:50 p.m., Blogger claire said...

What a nice explanation of Thanksgiving? How was your weekend? We spent it relaxing, running errands, playing in the park with Scout, went to church, and then had company for dinner on Monday night which was lots of fun!

At 9:41 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Allison,

Okay, I didn't know it was going to be pink...good thing you didn't advertise that, or I might not have come to your blog :P

Sounds like you had a very happy Thanksgiving. A bit different from our four dinners in four days :S They were fun, but man that's a lot of food!!!

In case you are interested, the federal government has a heritage website that explains why we celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada. Apparently, starting in 1799 and up until 1957, each year we issued a proclamation of something to be thankful for. In 1957, they issued a general proclamation for all the years afterwards. I thought that was kinda cool. But then again, I am a law nerd ;)

Way to go on starting a blog...I will try to stop by again soon (but if my vote counts for anything maybe you could rethink this whole colour choice?).

Take care!


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