Allison's Land

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sleep and marriage

So, I am now married and living with my husband. Wow. Husband, husband, husband. Tee hee...what a word.

There has been a lot of super great, new things, but also some adjustments and growing pains. Sleep is an issue right now.

Before, I lived in the cool basement of my parents' house. I slept in a little twin bed that I had all to myself. Now, I sleep in an apartment that trends towards warmness. The queen bed is very comfy, and brand new, but there's a catch - I have to share. I love my honey, but wowee, does he ever throw off a lot of heat. And you know, it's hard to roll over and squirm until you are comfy when there is a heavy arm drapped over you, holding you down.

As a result, I am not sleeping as well as I used to. It takes me a while to fall asleep at night. And, I periodically wake up in the middle of the night as I toss and turn. Sometimes, I am so angry, because when I wake up, I can hear my husband sleeping soundly. Why isn't he bothered by me, as I am by him? If I had more energy in the middle of the night, I might pummel him. However, instead, I sigh and roll over.

On the weekend, I was so impressed, because I felt like especially towards morning, I was getting quite a few hours of good, solid sleep. Apparently, Sang had felt well rested, and got up to watch morning cartoons. I slept well, because he was gone.

I do, however, think I am slowly getting used to it. The cooler weather is helping, because it cools off the bedroom.

And last night, I guess Sang had to get used to me: I had a bit of a nightmare, and woke up, kinda freaked out. He woke up to me hidden deep beneath the sheets, squeezing him around the middle. Apparently, it was a little surprising.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Day before the wedding

It's been a little while since I have updated this. Many of you probably think it is because I have been busy in life, but in truth, my updates have more to do with how busy I am at work, because that is where I usually blog. Work has been going really well lately - I have been having consistent spurts of creativity, so I have been busy. Yay!

I suppose I will not garner much sympathy by noting that it is 6:00 am and I am awake. But, I think I have been awake since about 4:30 am, and have only now realized that sleep is futile. I do not think I am nervous about getting married, but that is certainly what I am thinking about. It's not so bad that I cannot sleep tonight - but I hope I sleep well tomorrow. I do not think I scheduled in nap time for me day of!

Funny, the upcoming wedding is competely occupying my mind, but after that last paragraph, I stared blankly at my laptop screen, not knowing what to say about it.

Hmm...forget it. I will relate instead a funny story about my almost husband:

I was over at the apartment the other day and noted that the duvet cover on the bed had not been washed for a while. So, I threw it into the washing machine (we have ensuite laundry). When it came time for me to dry it, I noticed that there were clothes inside the dryer. My beloved has this habit of, when the clothes are done, merely opening the dryer door and pulling shirts and underwear as needed from it, as a sort of dresser.

I alerted him to the clothes present, and he responded by handing me a laundry hamper, full of clothes.

"What, are those clean clothes in there?!" (I was incredulous. I was taught dirty clothes go in the laundry hamper)

"Yes," Sang replied, nonplussed.

"Clean clothes do not go in there," I protested.

"Well," Sang retorted, "they don't go on the floor."

Clearly, that is the only other option. What a cutie. I had to laugh at that.