Allison's Land

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday, Feb. 23

I woke up and the first thing I did was check the baggage update webpage again – thank goodness! They said it would be delivered between 7 am and 11 am. It was 7 am now. I showered and decided that instead of sulking in my room, waiting for the bag/call to come, I’d go for a walk and grab some breakfast. People in L.A. are super friendly! I got a free coffee at Starbucks, and lots of smiles.

Walking around downtown is super weird, because there are deep, intense cold shadows, under the freeway and next to buildings, where the sun never shines, and then you step into the California sun, and it is so bright and blinding.

After about an hour, I headed back to the hotel. Just before 11, the hotel front desk called me that my bag showed up. YAY!!!! I was so happy, I ran down the hotel hallway to the elevator to pick it up. Then, I got to brush my teeth – with toothpaste! And, clean socks!! The relief was incredible.

I finished freshening up and then headed out to take on L.A. My first stop was the Central Library – an absolutely massive structure. There’s a main floor “popular” books section, which contains both fiction and non, and resembles a bookstore more than a library. As well, subjects like Science and History have their own floors. There are huge special sections for teens and adults – I have never seen such a big place.

As continued walking around downtown, I was struck by the oddity of L.A. – scenes like this palm tree next to a skyscraper. Beautiful, but maybe just a little bit fake.
he next thing that made an impact on me was Grand Central Market. It reminded me of something from Vancouver – fresh fruits, strange trinkets, ethnic foods – but the “ethnic” here was Mexican, not Oriental. Very cool, but a little overwhelming. Lots of people in a small place.

After walking around more, I ended up in the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Again, odd. Beautiful, and serene, and filled me with a sense of peace I wouldn’t expect in the middle of a big, busy city. But, like the palm tree, it was almost out of place. The huge cathedral was surrounded by even larger grounds, which were fenced in with huge courtyard fences, and patrolled by security guards, as seen here.

After lots of walking – I am relaxing in my hotel room this evening. I have another big day tomorrow!


At 2:57 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so good that your luggage came. L.A.! Very exciting! I guess Californians would find our elms fake-looking? It is bizarre though.
How did you swing the free Starbuck's?
Are you on your own there or are you staying with other people from the conference at the hotel?
Hope all is well!

At 11:21 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

so glad that you are having fun- you were definetly a good sport about the luggage!!

At 3:43 p.m., Blogger claire said...

I want to know how you got the free starbucks too! Trips are so much better when you have your luggage in hand!

At 8:16 p.m., Blogger Allison said...

The Starbucks was simply the right place at the right time. They had run out of till paper, so it took them less time to fill my order than to punch it in, so voila! free coffee.


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