Allison's Land

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Work Ethics

I have observed the following two work behaviours (doubtless there are many more):

Person A knows exactly when the boss comes in, and so arrives at work five minutes early, every day, so that the boss only knows that Person A comes in "early", but not what time, allowing person A to thus leave early.

Person B works her eight hours a day, every day, unless the boss is boss is away. Then, Person B works a very short day.

Which person is better? Or, more ethical?

Person A is consistent. Surely that is a good trait. Yet, as long as the boss goes away infrequently, Person B would get more work done.

Also, Person A practices dishonesty every day. Person B only practices dishonesty occasionly.

Often when a supervisor is away, the minions take longer lunches and leave early. If ethics are determined by the cultural norm, the Person B's behaviour is likely very ethical, because I am sure that nearly everyone does this, to some degree.

Well, then, Person B's behaviour is sufficiently rationalized. All you people out there who give yourself longer coffee breaks when no one is watching and leave half an hour early if the boss has already gone home - this posting condones your behaviour, at least in theory.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Too clean to be creative

My desk is kinda legendary within the lab. It is adorned with piles of research papers, notes on experiments, drafts of papers and presentations, pens, markers, highlighters, coffee, water, hand lotion, empty V8 and diet pop bottles and cans, and various Hello Kitty items. Not to mention, crumbs and dust. However, I cleaned it up today. I mentioned to a labmate that he has likely never seen my desk so clean. He replied, "it would be more truthful to say, I have never before seen your desk!". Indeed.

Unfortunatly, this cleanliness is oppresive rather than inspiring. I cleaned up with the intention of starting a new project. I wanted to neaten up, so I did not mix things together and subsequently lose them. But, my desk now is glaringly pristine. I do not want to sully it, as I know I will. I am too...creative, shall we say, to keep things tidy.

Odd, really, because at home, clean rooms make me want to use them more. Not that my rooms are often clean; my "creativeness" is present in all my aspects of life.

Nope, I can not explain it. I have no creative theory. There's a first! My creativeness must been chucked out with the trash on my desk. Thankfully, as I know my desk will be messy again soon, I can similarily be assured that my creativity will return as well.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Don't talk to strangers

I met a girl on the bus on the way home from work today. She sat next to me, and struck up a conversation. In fact, she was so chatty, that some people might think she was, well, not quite normal. She was friendly, though, and interesting, and truthfully, I did not mind chatting with her.

I related this story to my bf and he pointed out that we are taught at a young age not to talk to strangers. It's a cultural thing. So, as a culture, we think that people who are talkative to people they do not know are different past the point of being normal.

It's kind of interesting, because blogging is, in a way, talking to a whole bunch of strangers. And that is certainly an increasing trend. Maybe we are changing as a society. Maybe we will get better as descerning "safe" strangers, so we can make nice to people who sit next to us on buses without being labelled as being weird. Or maybe, this blogging trend is acceptable because we talk to strangers anonomously. Maybe being safe is being anonomous. So...if we all ride the bus with paper bags over our heads, will we talk to each other?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Baby got back! - a photographic art display

Perhaps the display of female bums is frivilous, but perhaps they are actually a symbol of something much more. Certainly, the curves of a female's lower half of the body are distinctly feminine. And the insinuations - hips that tilt to allow for child birth - even the purest of thinkers must allow that there is something intrinsically beautiful in that.

To go further, female bums have a special place in Canadiana. Degrassi, a T.V. show that was a pioneer of television in the 80's and was watched with a passion by teens, featured a jean-clad female bum in the opening credits.

And so, I here present a series of photographs depicting the bums of three young women. One of which is yours truly.

A group of bums:

A redhead: A blonde:
A brunette: