Allison's Land

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Don't talk to strangers

I met a girl on the bus on the way home from work today. She sat next to me, and struck up a conversation. In fact, she was so chatty, that some people might think she was, well, not quite normal. She was friendly, though, and interesting, and truthfully, I did not mind chatting with her.

I related this story to my bf and he pointed out that we are taught at a young age not to talk to strangers. It's a cultural thing. So, as a culture, we think that people who are talkative to people they do not know are different past the point of being normal.

It's kind of interesting, because blogging is, in a way, talking to a whole bunch of strangers. And that is certainly an increasing trend. Maybe we are changing as a society. Maybe we will get better as descerning "safe" strangers, so we can make nice to people who sit next to us on buses without being labelled as being weird. Or maybe, this blogging trend is acceptable because we talk to strangers anonomously. Maybe being safe is being anonomous. So...if we all ride the bus with paper bags over our heads, will we talk to each other?


At 8:23 a.m., Blogger DB said...

Maybe it's just that you can't be physically touched (as in grabed and dragged off) on your blog and therefore you are safe even if you let people know who you are they don't know for sure exactly where you are.


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