Allison's Land

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Work Ethics

I have observed the following two work behaviours (doubtless there are many more):

Person A knows exactly when the boss comes in, and so arrives at work five minutes early, every day, so that the boss only knows that Person A comes in "early", but not what time, allowing person A to thus leave early.

Person B works her eight hours a day, every day, unless the boss is boss is away. Then, Person B works a very short day.

Which person is better? Or, more ethical?

Person A is consistent. Surely that is a good trait. Yet, as long as the boss goes away infrequently, Person B would get more work done.

Also, Person A practices dishonesty every day. Person B only practices dishonesty occasionly.

Often when a supervisor is away, the minions take longer lunches and leave early. If ethics are determined by the cultural norm, the Person B's behaviour is likely very ethical, because I am sure that nearly everyone does this, to some degree.

Well, then, Person B's behaviour is sufficiently rationalized. All you people out there who give yourself longer coffee breaks when no one is watching and leave half an hour early if the boss has already gone home - this posting condones your behaviour, at least in theory.


At 5:56 p.m., Blogger claire said...

Hi AL,

You forgot about peron C, who works the exact amount they are supposed to every day. No more, no less, and spends the whole day looking busy, while actually doing nothing at all!!

At 9:15 a.m., Blogger claire said...

Or person D, whose job is their life and works as much as possible as hard as possible

At 2:37 p.m., Blogger Tomato said...

After some thought, i think there are two issues here, work ethic, and the comitment to maintain that work ethic.

Person A has a poor work ethic but is commited to maintaining it.

where Person B does not maintain thier good work ethic consistently.

Which is the lesser of evils? likely the one that get's caught last.


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