Allison's Land

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Santa Fe - Post 4

Today we spent the day in Albequerque. First stop was their aquarium - very fun. We also visited the botanical gardens, which featured a larger than life vegatable garden (not real veggies). SOOOO COOOL. I sat inside a pumpkin. Next, the zoo, where we got to watch gorillas - they were about ten, so there was lots of interactions.

After lunch, we saw petorgraphs - drawings on rocks. Pretty neat, and involved some fun hiking, so by the time it was done, my feet were pretty sore.

We ended our tourist activities by riding a tram - the longest in the world - 15 minutes each way (up and down the mountain).

For dinner - we hit Sonic, and I had a green chili cheeseburger. I now love green chili, which sucks, because it's kinda a New Mexico thing, and I don't live anywhere close to there. Apparently green chilis are the same thing as the red ones, but the green ones are roasted right away, wheras the red ones are dried (i.e. a green chili, when dried, turns red). Maybe I'll learn to make my own!


At 8:41 a.m., Blogger Tomato said...

Wow, first i'm insanely jealous of all your gastronomical experiences. I want tasty food, but right now all i'm eating is kd and such stuff.

I would have liked to see the aquarium and the giant squash too. I like fish and zucchinni.

Well i'm glad you are having such a good time. I'm quite envious though. Envious like green chilli!


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