Allison's Land

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Santa Fe - Post 1

We made record time in the drive down - we made it from Winnipeg, MB to Santa Fe, NM in about 24 hours. The weather was a little wonky though. South Dakota was foggy and Nebraska was rainy. Other than, pretty okay. Fun memories included seeing a tumble weed - an actual tumble weed - dart across the highway in Kansas. Another fun moment was Janis looking at the driver Caitlyn and saying, why are you passing? There's cars coming towards us - and they're really close! That woke up the sleeping Christina and I really quickly. However, it turned out that we were on a divided highway. The opposing traffic was safely on the other side of the meridian.

Upon arriving in Santa Fe yesterday morning, Janis' Aunt and Uncle fed us breakfast, and then dinner later on that day. It's really sweet that to have a family to hang out with, and to be able to eat home cooked meals. They have a four year old daughter, who painted my nails. Lets just say it looks like my nails were painted by a four year old.

Yesterday in the afternoon we went shopping in the plaza. This is the old Santa Fe downtown. It is filled with tourist and craft shops. There are an amazingly large amount of stores, all selling similar things. That's tourism!

Our hotel is okay. We have two double beds. I am sleeping with Christina - she's a good person to share with - neither of us move much, and we both sleep near the edge. And - there's free internet! Hopefully that means I keep posting!


At 11:14 a.m., Blogger Tomato said...

wow it sounds like you girls are having more fun than a kitten in a field of catnip.

i took a nap in the new apartment (face down on the carpet), and lets just say my face looked like i'd been snuggling with a hedghog.


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