Allison's Land

Friday, February 03, 2006

Stress - the anti-ager!

People say that being stressed makes them feel older. They will say things like, "I've aged 10 years drving through rush hour traffic in Toronto!". I guess people think that stress contributes to things like grey hair and wrinkles, which are valid signs of old age.

However, these things are not universal. Personally, when I am stressed, I break out. Also, my concentration level drops, so I'll do things like nick myself shaving, causing me to wear bandages. Hmm, pimples and band-aids. Strikes me that these things are signs of the early teen-age years. In my case, then, stress makes me look younger.

Wait a few weeks until I hand in this exam. By then, perhaps I'll be so stressed I will be drooling and incontinent. I will have youthified myself to a toddler.


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