Allison's Land

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I have an owey

In a previous post, I alluded to the fact that I do not like needles. Similarily, I do not like blood. Well, I should clarify: I like it rushing through my veins and arteries, delivering good stuff and shunting bad, but it makes me quesy to see it. Today we had a wellness nurse come into work, and measure height, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol for those who wanted. Well, I think that stuff is kinda cool to know, so I went.

The last two tests requre blood. Not much, though - just a drop each. The nurse pricked my finger, and waited expectently. Waited.

"Not much of a bleeder, are you?"

No, I am not. Call my vessels greedy. So, she squeezed my finger, trying to will a drop to fall.

"Maybe if you sorta let your hand dangle...."

She squeezed more. Finally, a drop fell out. I am not looking, but just thinking about what is going on is making me really queezy. I think I could have impressed her if she measured my blood pressure after she pricked my finger. I can feel it dropping.

"Okay, now we need a second drop, for the second test"

And, more of the same. Long story short, my cholesterol was 4.15, my glucose was 4.1 and my finger is sore. I am a healthy wuss.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Allison's pet peeve #1

So, I am planning on getting married. Yay! :)
This also means, I am planning a wedding. Boo. :(

However, when I complain about how much work a wedding is to plan, please do not tell me that weddings are stupid and I should elope. I love my family. I love my friends. I really, truly, want to share this day with them. I just sometimes want to vent. But, obviously not to the people who tell me to elope - you people are not my friends. You are undermining my values. And, it's irratating to me!

Want to know the best way to listen to someone's complaints? Just listen! Do not ofter advice, or a similar experience you had or anything. Just shut up and listen! THAT makes for a good friend.

Thank YOU for listening.

(all that being said, please do not be afraid to comment on this and future posts)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brush with death

I think I can understand why people believe in miracles and gardian angles.

Today I was a little late eating lunch - it was about 2:30pm by the time I headed to the cafeteria to microwave my leftovers. I was standing in front of the microwave, waiting for my two minutes to be up, when I felt something brush the top of my head, sort of from behind me. I instictively stepped back and turned around. Immediately, I heard a loud crash.

I turned around. Where I had been standing, some wall repair equiptment had fallen. They were doing some repairs on the two floors above, and the tools had slipped off the cart as they were being moved. As the equiptment was incredibably damaged and smashed by the time it hit the floor, I can only imagine what would have happened to my head.

Thankfully - something intervened. Perhaps something smaller fell off the cart first, which is what I felt brush against my head. Perhaps, indeed, someone is looking out for me.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Stress - the anti-ager!

People say that being stressed makes them feel older. They will say things like, "I've aged 10 years drving through rush hour traffic in Toronto!". I guess people think that stress contributes to things like grey hair and wrinkles, which are valid signs of old age.

However, these things are not universal. Personally, when I am stressed, I break out. Also, my concentration level drops, so I'll do things like nick myself shaving, causing me to wear bandages. Hmm, pimples and band-aids. Strikes me that these things are signs of the early teen-age years. In my case, then, stress makes me look younger.

Wait a few weeks until I hand in this exam. By then, perhaps I'll be so stressed I will be drooling and incontinent. I will have youthified myself to a toddler.