Allison's Land

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I have an owey

In a previous post, I alluded to the fact that I do not like needles. Similarily, I do not like blood. Well, I should clarify: I like it rushing through my veins and arteries, delivering good stuff and shunting bad, but it makes me quesy to see it. Today we had a wellness nurse come into work, and measure height, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol for those who wanted. Well, I think that stuff is kinda cool to know, so I went.

The last two tests requre blood. Not much, though - just a drop each. The nurse pricked my finger, and waited expectently. Waited.

"Not much of a bleeder, are you?"

No, I am not. Call my vessels greedy. So, she squeezed my finger, trying to will a drop to fall.

"Maybe if you sorta let your hand dangle...."

She squeezed more. Finally, a drop fell out. I am not looking, but just thinking about what is going on is making me really queezy. I think I could have impressed her if she measured my blood pressure after she pricked my finger. I can feel it dropping.

"Okay, now we need a second drop, for the second test"

And, more of the same. Long story short, my cholesterol was 4.15, my glucose was 4.1 and my finger is sore. I am a healthy wuss.


At 9:01 a.m., Blogger Tomato said...

Ha ha, that's pretty funny.

Once when i was like 13, i had to have blood drawn for a test. The doctor said it was okay if i yelled, so while he drew 3 vials of blood there was little me gong "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" but not at the top of my lungs. Mostly to distract myself from what was going on.

At 12:27 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask to do it yourself next time. prick to the side of the tip, its less sensitive there and seems to give more blood. Then when you wake up again ;), start squeesing your finger near the base with your thumb and pointer of the opposite hand, and move the fingers towards the tip, "milking" it.

Side comment: we should go to ducky's on the weekend!

At 6:25 p.m., Blogger Elizabeth said...

Hello my dear, I'm so sorry that you have a booboo...which is what we call an owey in my house! smack! that was a big kiss better! dropped by to see how things are and to see my link! yay blogs!!

At 8:34 a.m., Blogger Allison said...

mmm...smack, eh? i thought that elizabeth was trying to hit me...i'm glad that was a kiss.


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