Allison's Land

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brush with death

I think I can understand why people believe in miracles and gardian angles.

Today I was a little late eating lunch - it was about 2:30pm by the time I headed to the cafeteria to microwave my leftovers. I was standing in front of the microwave, waiting for my two minutes to be up, when I felt something brush the top of my head, sort of from behind me. I instictively stepped back and turned around. Immediately, I heard a loud crash.

I turned around. Where I had been standing, some wall repair equiptment had fallen. They were doing some repairs on the two floors above, and the tools had slipped off the cart as they were being moved. As the equiptment was incredibably damaged and smashed by the time it hit the floor, I can only imagine what would have happened to my head.

Thankfully - something intervened. Perhaps something smaller fell off the cart first, which is what I felt brush against my head. Perhaps, indeed, someone is looking out for me.


At 4:42 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy sh**! I'm glad you're ok, ducky's wouldnt be the same without you...

At 4:43 p.m., Blogger Tomato said...

Wowie! that's pretty crazy. I would be terribly upset if were hurt. But you are not, so i am glad.

At 10:22 p.m., Blogger claire said...

I'm glad you're head is okay. You would look really strange with a power tool embedded in your head. I would still love you anyway, but you might get some strange looks from people when you walked past them.


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