Allison's Land

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Happy, Happy, Joy!

Sometimes, I am happy for absolutely no good reason. Or, perhaps, for a simple reason. Or, a series of simple reasons.

Reasons why I am happy right now:
1. I felt totally crappy this morning - my lower back hurt (that happens to me never!). I took two advil, and now I feel great.

2. I am going to Vancouver this weekend. The weather is going to be way worse than here in Winnipeg (everyone here - go to the beach for me! that's what I would be doing), but I like seeing Sang's mom. She makes me smile. And, she cooks...the best everything. Crab. Beef noodle soup. I like Sang's dog. I like being able to see Sang's sisters. Sorry about the order, but this is also the ranking for time I expect to spend with these.

3. I hung out with my brother yesterday. The band teacher from our high school is retiring after 30 years, and there was a farewell concert, which we went to together. I don't hang out with my brother very often - especially not just the two of us. But, I liked it alot. He's a great guy. I like having a brother.

4. I felt proud of someone. At this same band concert, my friend's little sister, who is kinda a pseduo-sister to me, got an award for being the best little bandie. And, she got to say thanks and good-bye on behalf of the students to the retiring Orv Anderson. Way to go Michelle!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Guiding Rocks!

I came back from my first camping trip of the year, and it was great. The Manitoba Girl Guides had a provinical camp at St. Malo (about an hour east of Winnipeg), with about 400 girls registered, plus leaders. Big group! I was helping out with a Guide unit, and I really enjoyed myself. I used to be a guider with that age group, but that was a few years ago now. I had gotten kinda frustrated, and decided to move to an older age group (Pathfinders). Now, I am contemplating moving back.

The girls were so sweet and receptive to me, even though many of them had just met me the week before. There were a few that I think I even kinda "got through to". Although I think that it is important for children to have boundaries, I think that they can be said "no" to, too often. Some of the girls were an example of that. I let a group be creative, and think outside the box. They weren't being dangerous - just being different. Sometimes, I think we adults get stuck in our ruts, and start to believe that our way of doing things is the only - and right - way. The girls really appreciated that I let them try out their own way.

Another kinda weird thing was that there was this girl that I used to babysit for back in high school when she was one. Suddenly, the family had stopped calling, and I never knew why. I thought that maybe the parents had split. Well, I saw her again - she was in the Guide unit that I was helping out with! Weird, eh? I recognized her Mom's name, and it makes sense - she would be the right age. I never said anything to either her, or her Mom - I thought it might be a little awkward. It made me happy though to see that the baby that had been my favorite has grown up to be a very nice girl.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Looking for something to do this weekend?

Sang and I extra-ed in a seems like forever ago. Maybe a year or two. It's called "Geeksters" and it's playing at the Cinematheque in Winnipeg this weekend, Friday and Saturday night at 11 pm.

I don't promise it will be good, and I honestly don't know if either of us are in any of the shots - Sang is more likely than me - but the boy nearly lost his eye doing it, so that gotta be worth something (fake blood dribbled into his eye, and he was faking dead, so he couldn't wash it out until the director called "cut").

The directors website is

Have a good long one! [weekend that is, but really, whatever you can get your hands on ;) ]

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Love and Commitment

I recently heard that a friend of a friend called off his wedding because he discovered that his girlfriend (fiancee) was cheating on him. Yuck. I was angered and upset to hear this, but at the same time, happy for him that he found out before he got married (close call - one month before!). I shared this story with some collegues, and they related how people they knew had gotten divorce within a couple years of marriage - some people, within a year.

In my opinion, this is more than terrible; it is down right disgusting. I am probably in the minority on this opinion, if the statistics are any indicator, but I believe a marriage should last forever. I am ready to acknowledge extenuating circumstances, but I cannot believe that they are as prevalent as the divorce rate. (In 2003 in Canada, 38.3%)

So why is divorce so common? I think that people have unrealistic ideas about marriage. I think that people think that marriage is something fun for people in love to do. Furthermore, I think that people think that love is enough. I completely disagree.

I think a union that lasts has to be based on more than just love, but also on commitment. My experience tells me that loving is easy. I love my family, my friends, my co-workers, my neighbour, all the people I've dated.

My experience also tells me that commitment is difficult. My favorite shoes are only my favorites until I find a better pair. My hair style and colour have changed countless times. I flip between channels when watching T.V. I will drink both Pespi and Coke products.

So, I would say - find someone you can commit to - the love will follow. This may be why arranged marriages often work out and last forever, while Western "chose your own mate" marriages have high divorce rates.

I am not married yet, so maybe I am unqualified to offer my opinion on this topic, but it upsets me to hear of broken and failed marriages. I just don't think it's right.

I am willing to test my theory on myself. I am determined to approach my upcoming marriage with both love and commitment. I intend it to last forever.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Big = small

Sometimes when I have a really big, unsolvable problem, I will transfer my stress onto a smaller, trivial nusiance.

For example, I recently learned something about my research data that made me want to cry, and also made me realize that my project had very suddenly (and without my permission!) taken a very different route than the one I had projected. Alas, that is science, but I thought I had identified the experiments I needed to do and the information I needed to gather in order to graduate. Suddenly, I have no idea.

This is my big, unsolvable problem.

Also recently (yesterday) I registered for a conference, but I accidently gave the wrong email address - I gave the user name of one with the domain of another - this does not actually work. So, the conference could not email me to get in touch. I became disproportionatly upset about this.

This is my small, trivial nusience.

Today, the conference faxed me (I got the fax number right, at least) to tell them I gave the wrong email, and could I please email them the correct address. I did, and problem solved.

Now, although my big, unsolvable problem is not the least bit closer to being resolved, I feel infinately better.

Psychological projection is fun and easy, and it works!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Wedding Social June 24th!!!!!

If the blogging frequency as of late is any indication, I've been a little busy. And, like many things, the longer it's been, the more difficult it is to work up the motivation to do it. But, here I am! Wedding stuff is what has been occupying my mind a lot lately, and I suppose that would have been a better title for this blog, but I wanted to reach all those people who only read titles, and get the news out. Well, I will start the post for real now.

Wedding Stuff
I cannot believe I am supossed to be getting married in four months. I mean, I believe it, but at the same time...where did the time go? I feel like I have so much to do, but I think I will feel better about myself if I blog what has been done recently.

We have picked a florist. I had a nightmare a little while ago that we left picking a florist until the last minute and it cost a thousand dollars. We are on a bit of a budget now...the photographer cost more than I thought, so $1,000 for flowers would be too much. The next day, I made three apointments for consultations. We saw two on Saturday, and the last on Monday. The first place, Academy florists, was wonderful. The lady working, Janet, took the time to try to figure out exactly what we wanted. She took lots of notes and made helpful suggestions. She expressed the greatest confidence in their flower arranger, and showed us the work for a wedding that day. While we were there, the flowers were picked up, and she checked and double checked to ensure the order was correct.

The next two places we visited made me angry. I felt that they simply were not listening to what I was saying, and were disagreeing with my tastes. Perhaps Academy simply set the bar too high. Needless to say, the choice was easy.

Bridesmaid Dresses
Two of my three beautiful friends have bought their dresses. They both look absolutely wonderful in them. My cousin looks in her dress as sweet and youthfully sophisticated (if that makes any sense) as I picture her. My friend Mary looks in her dress as fun and stunning as I picture her. My friend Claire has yet to buy her dress, but I believe has picked one - I have seen the picture, and it looks phenomenal! I can only hope that people will still want to look at me, when I have three such gorgeous babes to compete with!

Wedding Social
A date and place has been selected: June 24th at the Cresentwood Community Center, on Corydon (how's that for alliteration?). I hope that all of my Winnipeg readers can make it, and if anyone else wants to make the trip, I'll be thrilled. Much still needs to be done, especially the prizes part, but I cannot complain. Sang's boss has very generously offered to have the company do the majority of the organizing for us, as a wedding present. In theory, all I have to do is show up and have fun, but in practice, I will be stressing and working as hard as I can. Sang, being part of the "company" sure is!

Well, that has turned out to be a rather long entry. I would probably do better to write more often, but shorter!