Allison's Land

Monday, May 29, 2006

Guiding Rocks!

I came back from my first camping trip of the year, and it was great. The Manitoba Girl Guides had a provinical camp at St. Malo (about an hour east of Winnipeg), with about 400 girls registered, plus leaders. Big group! I was helping out with a Guide unit, and I really enjoyed myself. I used to be a guider with that age group, but that was a few years ago now. I had gotten kinda frustrated, and decided to move to an older age group (Pathfinders). Now, I am contemplating moving back.

The girls were so sweet and receptive to me, even though many of them had just met me the week before. There were a few that I think I even kinda "got through to". Although I think that it is important for children to have boundaries, I think that they can be said "no" to, too often. Some of the girls were an example of that. I let a group be creative, and think outside the box. They weren't being dangerous - just being different. Sometimes, I think we adults get stuck in our ruts, and start to believe that our way of doing things is the only - and right - way. The girls really appreciated that I let them try out their own way.

Another kinda weird thing was that there was this girl that I used to babysit for back in high school when she was one. Suddenly, the family had stopped calling, and I never knew why. I thought that maybe the parents had split. Well, I saw her again - she was in the Guide unit that I was helping out with! Weird, eh? I recognized her Mom's name, and it makes sense - she would be the right age. I never said anything to either her, or her Mom - I thought it might be a little awkward. It made me happy though to see that the baby that had been my favorite has grown up to be a very nice girl.


At 8:20 p.m., Blogger claire said...

That' so weird that she was at the camp, when we were just talking about that situation last week!
Are you sure you want to go back to Guides, maybe you enjoyed them so much because they were refreshing. Week after week might leave you feeling the same way as before, but once in a while is enjoyable. Food for thought.


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