Allison's Land

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Newspaper article forthcoming

I am super excited! I am part of a training program for Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral fellows in the health sciences. We have meetings twice a month and we were given the task of taking science to the public in an interesting, informative manner. My group decided to write an article about Bird Flu (or Avian Influenza) concerns and publish it in the local media. The kicker is that we have been doing this, on and off since November. The article is only about 1000 words, and there are four of us working on it, but we needed to get the rest of the groups input and approval, so it has dragged on in an ongoing effort to make it "perfect". Certainly, the majority of articles in our local media do not take this much effort.

However, we have finally submitted it, and the editor apparently loved it. Yay! He called to say that it will be included in a two page feature spread. So, look for my article in the Thursday, March 23rd edition of the Winnipeg Free Press. If I can find a link, or someone sends me one, I will post it.


At 10:49 p.m., Blogger Scruffy Dan said...

Cool you got paper in the article!!! or maybe it was the other way around, oh well.

you asked me to email you but I can't... I don't know your email address. My address is thesloth2001ca [a]

At 12:58 p.m., Blogger claire said...

That's exciting Al! You'll have to mail me a copy!!!

At 8:26 a.m., Blogger Tomato said...

Yeay, getting published is always exciting! of course by blogging you are already an internationaly published superstar.


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