Allison's Land

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Free Press Story Link

Sorry it took so long to post this link that I talked about a few posts back. I was sick for a week and it sucked the motivation right out of me. But, I am feeling better, so, back at it!

Incidently, I am off to Massachusetts tomorrow, so maybe I'll post some pics and stories from my travels...we'll see how that motivation thing holds on to me.


At 3:13 p.m., Blogger claire said...

Hi Al,

I enjoyed reading your article. Congrats on becoming a journalist!!
Have fun in Massachuetts and take care!!

At 3:32 p.m., Blogger Elizabeth said...

Hope you have a great time in Massachusetts! Will see you on Friday...we can show those young-uns how to party...if I can stay up past midnight that is ;)


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