Allison's Land

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My very first moving violation

I guess it was bound to know, based on odds and stuff. Still sucks, though.

I was driving to work - I don't usually, but I had to run some errands in the morning. I was irratated about being late, and I looked at the clock, and thought to myself, "I bet I can make it to work by 10." Well, I was heading over the Maryland bridge, when I saw police car lights behind me.

"I better pull over and let him pass."

"Hmm...guess he wanted this lane, I'll pull over again"

"Oh, no, he's pulling me over!"

I stopped, turned off the car, and rolled down the window.

"I clocked you driving 74 km/hour going over the bridge, which is a 50 km/hour zone".

"oh." I mean really, what else was there to say?

The police officer asked me for my driver's license and registration, and then checked them out. Upon handing them back to me, with my ticket, he was almost apologetic, and certainly very nice and polite. I had been afraid he was going to scold me, but he did not. Nice man. He suggested that if I pleaded guilty with a reason, as this was my first offence, I would get off with a warning.

Well, yesterday I went to try to take care of the ticket. The magistrate said I was going way too fast, and she could not let the ticket go. However, as I am a full time student, she cut the charge in half. I guess that is better than nothing.

As for demerits on my license...I guess I'll see what happens when it's time for renewal.

Regardless, I have learned my lesson and have been trying to carefully watch me speed. A speeding ticket on my history? How embarressing!


At 10:45 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll probably be ok at renewal time. I rear ended someone last year and didn't lose any merits. Infact, I got $40 off on my insurance for my safe driving record!?

At 4:37 p.m., Blogger claire said...


I got a ticket in ND and that made its way to Canada somehow because I did not gain a merit that year as I should have. And whether anyone believes me or not, I really was looking for a speed limit sign, when I was pulled over!!! Ugh, I'm still bitter about it.


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