Allison's Land

Monday, October 31, 2005

Utopia begins with "you"

I just received an email directed to all graduate students at Canadian universities, inviting us to submit an abstract for an upcoming conference on Utopia. I immediately deleted it. My research has nothing to do with Utopia - that is a "soft" science research topic. My research is based on hard and concrete science.

What is Utopia? A perfect place. Usually the connotation is social/political/moral. To us well-off Westerners, Utopia is an ideal state of mind, a philosophical ideal. But, to the rest of us, maybe Utopia has more to do with clean water and free education for children. Maybe Utopia is a place where there is a low burden of disease. Maybe Utopia is a place where HIV is not infecting and killing millions of people each year, where AIDS is not causing entire countries to be filled with orphans and the life expectancy of adults to decline to pre-vaccine era estimates. And, maybe we have the power to make a Utopia out of this world, for other people, if not for ourselves.

I would like to think that is true. And, at the end of it all, I would like to look back and see that I have tried.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Another universal truth

This may be difficult to believe if you look at my various blog posts, but I have a writing problem: I am too succinct; too brief. I am trying to write a paper for a scientific journal, to publish my results, but I am having a heck of a time being more...descriptive, I guess. I make my point, and then I have nothing left to say.

And yet...nearly every posting on this page is me rambling on for ages about absolutly nothing.

Is this then perhaps another universal truth?

It is easy to ramble on, be lengthly and descriptive when there is nothing of consequence to say. It is difficult to do the same when there is a valid point.

Disclaimer: it might just be me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Crowns review - MTC

Last night was the first play of the new MTC season. The first thing the bf and I noticed was that they put in new chairs (or at least, renovated the old ones). It looked sharp. We sat down in our seats (3rd row, front and centre) and admired the set. In the middle was a large wood platform, that curved, so it covered the floor of the stage and also the back wall. On either side, were nearly 100 hats. Mostly colourful, some with flowers, all were women's hats.

The play started with music - on one side of the stage was a keyboardist, on the other, a percussionist with a drum set. Then, a song. There was a lot of singing in this play, but it was not your typical musical! These were songs from the South. Gospel songs, sung in the deep, melodic voices of women of colour.

The main story line is about a girl whose brother has been shot, and who has been sent down South to live with her grandma. To be honest, I can barely remember the story. This play seemed to focus on the telling of the story, as opposed to the actual plot.

That doesn't mean I didn't like it, because I did. I loved hearing the characters sing. I loved to watch them move and dance across the stage. I was enraptured by them - the characters they portrayed were strong and beautiful.

This play doesn't tell a story - it paints a picture. A living, breathing, colourful picture.

Rating: (out of 5)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Universal Truth

I have made an important discovery today. No doubt, others have noticed it themselves. But, for those of you who haven't, allow me to share my wisdom.

I am collecting nominations for speakers to visit a class that I am in, from my classmates. Some people replied quickly, some replied after I sent a remindery email, some not at all. Today I compiled the list of names, and sent it back to my classmates, so we could vote on them. Alas! I forgot to attach the list. People replied to me, noticing my mistake, almost immediatly!

So, the universal truth that I uncovered today is thus:

If you want people to take their time getting back to you, ask them for help or information. If you want a quick response, make a mistake.

Disclaimer: Some people are quick to offer help and information. These people should be labeled as "good people" and even possibly "friends". Some people who point out your mistakes are doing it to help you. Again, these should be labeled as "good people" and "friends".

Friday, October 14, 2005

A moment of bliss

There was a baby shower at my work today, held in the cafeteria, and the badies (someone had twins) were present. I was walking to my lab, on an open ramp that went over the cafeteria when I somehow managed to catch the baby girl's attention. I looked down (from about five meters above her) and noticed that she was watching me! I waved and smiled at her, and actually managed to keep her attention for a bit.

I am very impressed that she could focus on an object (i.e. me) from such a far distance. And, I feel a happy sense of accomplishment, that I was interesting to her. Just by looking at me, the baby cleared away all my stress and filled me with a sense of calm joy.


I love babies.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Don't know how good I got it

I often complain, sometimes to myself, and sometimes out loud, that my shared office space at work is too noisy. Too crowded. Too many people work in it. I can't concentrate. Too much talking. Too much goofing off.

I have often wished I had my own space, so that I would not be annoyed by other people. In fact, this has lead me to the conclusion that I am anti-social.

Today, by some strange fluke, no one else was in the office all morning. But I was. Alone. It was so quiet! At first, I really liked it. I was getting work done. I could concentrate. But, as the morning progressed, the silence and aloneness became oppresive. I wandered into the adjoining lab for no good reason, other than to talk to someone. Look at someone, even!

So, I have modified my wishes. I do not want my own office space; I would like to share a space with someone who would be quiet when I want to concentrate, would talk when I want a break. As impossible as it may sound to find someone like that, he once existed, and has since found another job. So, I hope that I may come across such a person again.

Oh, and I do not nessisarily believe that I am anti-social anymore, simply that I like quality over quanity.

This afternoon, it is a little noisier. Instead of being grumpy, I am trying to appreciate it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Women's History Month

October is Women’s History Month. This year’s theme is Women and War: Contributions and Consequences. Find out more at clicking on the logo. Let’s all try to learn a little this month!

Historical Highlights:
In the first half of the 20th century, women were only allowed to participate in the military as nurses…and even that right was only won in the Boer War (1899-1902)!

WWI and WWII created worker shortages, inspiring women to be called into the work-force in droves.

To free up men for combat, women were enrolled into the military in 1941 in supportive roles (ex. clerks, mechanics).

The Gulf War (1991) is the first war in which Canadian women take part in combat.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Canadian Thanksgiving has an abstract origin, unlike the American holiday, which has a specific story about pilgrims and Native Americans. The Canadian feast is a harvest festival, like the ones celebrated by our pagan ancestors long ago. It is a religious holiday, where we give thanks to our God. It is an ode to the British Loyalists, who came up long ago and brought an American tradition. It is an excuse to get together with friends and family, and share food.

In many ways, this is a good example of what it means to be Canadian. We are given a holiday, and not told why we need to celebrate it - we are allowed to find our own reason. What a gift!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Sister's Wedding

My sister's wedding on Saturday was so much fun! It was great to party with her and my family. I sometimes forget just how much fun all my family is...but we really are. We all dance. One of my highlights of the evening was my Aunt - who has school aged children - dancing to "Baby Got Back".

My sister looked so beautiful - every bride does, I'm sure, but my sis - especially so. The wedding was small and intimate, and I think that really added to the celebration. After the church part, the priest complimented my sister on it, saying that he wished more people has weddings like hers, where the focus was on the bride and groom, not the 45 ring bearers and flower girls! I thought it was a very sweet compliment.

The dinner was fantabulous, too. In keeping with the holiday, we had a turkey dinner, and I have never been served so much good food at a wedding. The portions of turkey were super generous. Thank goodness there was lots of dancing afterwards to work it off!

My sister and her husband had lots of fun. They commented that they kept forgetting it was their wedding - it was more just like a great party. That may sound a little strange, but I think it meant that they did not feel responsible for anything. Rather, they felt just as entitled to sit back and relax as any of the other guests.

I shall try to remember all these things for my own, upcoming wedding!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Being my sister's bridesmaid

(adapted from "Leaving on a Jet Plane")

All my nails are done, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here in front of the mirror
I love to see just how it’s gonna look

But the sun is setting, it's nearly night
I’m getting sleepy, I want my bed
Already I'm so excited I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me you’re excited like me
Tell me everything I need to know

Cause I'm being my sister’s bridesmaid
I can’t wait until the wedding
Oh, sis, I love you so…

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Vacation payoff

It never rains, but it pours, eh? I just came back from a two week vacation, visiting my bf's mom. Okay, technically, he is my fiance, but I think that is just about the most pretentious word that I have ever heard. I like calling him my bf. I will probably like calling him my husband. But the f word?! Who are we all trying to kid? Just b/c we got engaged, doesn't mean that either of us has suddenly transformed into some five star culinary masterpiece. Hello, we're both already there!

Okay, that's totally off topic. My point was, I just got back from vacation, and already I feel just as swamped as I was before I left. Even more so, actually. I am scrambling to remember what I was doing before I left, dealing with new deadlines, and at the same time, taking on all sorts of new responsibilites.

The vacation was wonderful. I did hardly any work while I was gone - I only stayed in touch with projects. But the after effect...I dunno. I guess I am suffering from a vacation hangover. Only, I didn't experience this the morning after. It's more like the whole next week!

Ah well, it's always exciting in Allison's land ;)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Very First Post

Hello out there. This is my very first blog, and my very first post. The vast emptyness of the space that I trying to fill on this page is a little intimidating, so this posting will be short.

And, so it ends.