Allison's Land

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sometimes, a card really is a gift

Sometimes our life partners make us want to scream and pull our/their hair out. Sometimes, they are so wonderful. Let me share an example of the later.

Sang and I celebrate our anniversary of "dating" on Canada Day, i.e. July 1st. This year marked our sixth, and in a way, also our last - we will be celebrating a different kind of anniversary after this one.

I did not forget the date - this is partly why we picked Canada Day (it's hard to pin-point exactly when we made the transition from "friends" to "more than friends") - so that it was easy to remember. It's just that I was really busy and did not have time to give it much thought. The wedding social was at the end of June, and the wedding proper is coming up, not to mention all the other stuff that goes on in my life.

Well, Saturday I picked Sang up and wished him a happy anniversary, and he gave me a card.

"Oh, don't", I said. "You're making me feel guilty that I didn't get you one".

"But you did", he replied. "You snuck it into my bag, you just forgot to write on it."

The little sweetheart bought me a card - and one from me, for him, too. I signed it and gave it back to him. The card was super appropriate too - it would have been a great card for me to have bought. It said something along the lines of:

I know I've been super busy lately. I wish I had just five extra minutes each day....

So that I could make out like crazy with you for five extra minutes, each day!


At 4:12 p.m., Blogger Elizabeth said...

happy final dating anniversary. i'm so jealous that you will never have to date again!!! (it sucks btw!!)

I love that you are playing baseball. I got stuck in right field the other day...the first three batters all hit to me and if i recall correctly, i think i didn't make a single play (and I'm supposed to be a seasoned player...) you sound like you're doing great!!!

At 8:16 p.m., Blogger claire said...

You guys are just perfect for each other, and this is another example of that!

At 10:06 p.m., Blogger Tomato said...

Hrm... you know you don't really say weather this is an example of making you want to scream and pull out someones hair, or if this is an example of wonderfulness.

Either way, i wouldn't complain about 5 extra minutes to make out like crazy.

At 2:21 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is one of the sweetest stories. you two really are the cutest couple ever.


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