Allison's Land

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm getting mail

I remember as a child being so excited when a piece of mail arrived at our house with my name on it. Usually, these were birthday cards from out of town relatives - and sometimes - a package - a birthday present! When I was young, mail was the most awesome thing ever.

As I got a little older, mail started to include bank statements. These were less exciting, but still kinda fun, after all, they came in an envelope with my name on it. I also started to get junk mail. This was rare enough that it just made me laugh. Ha ha, why would a 12 year old care about senior health?!

Now, I have reached the point where I get an excess of mail. Some of it I am interested in and open right away - unfortunately, this category is the smallest. Some of it is bills - I feel obligated to open it right away. Some of it is people asking for money. Depending on who, I treat it as junk, or I respond...but usually delayed. Much of my mail sits unopened in a pile...if I know what's inside it, what's the point?

One of the very fun things that has happened to me in this wedding journey is that now that my invites have been mailed out - I am starting to get exciting mail. Everyday I come home to little cream coloured envelopes with my name neatly on a matte finish label. My reply cards! Sometimes people put return addresses on them, sometimes not. Regardless of wheither I know from whom it is, I am curious as to the response: is Mr. X coming? does Mrs. X have any dietary needs? So exciting!

Once the wedding is over, I will be able to repay this excitement, by sending out cute thank-you cards. Then, people will be able to look through their mail to find the small envelopes.

Email rocks for everyday conversation and business, but nothing is personal and special occasion like a mailed card.


At 12:08 a.m., Blogger claire said...

I got my very pretty invite yesterday and you should be receiving a pretty little envelope in return by next week!! You guys did a very nice job on them. They look great!

At 1:43 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a beautiful set of invitations they are! It's good to remember that people are tactile, and mail allows us to feel (in the 5 senses way) the importance of something in a way the computer cannot. computers are casual; mail, even a bill, is more formal-perfect for your lovely little invites.

At 8:11 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Allison,

I know exactly what you mean about mail, and I too am fussy about what I actually open and read and what goes for weeks without getting a second look!
How is the wedding plans coming along? When is the actual date etc? Colour for bridesmaids? Flowers? How many people are you expecting?
It is so exciting enjoy every second! If you are anything like me you will want to do it all over again the next week because it is such a good day and goes way too quickly!
Good luck with it all, I will keep my eye on your blog

Love Kelly. (Claire's cuz)


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