Allison's Land

Friday, July 07, 2006

My coffee tastes like sushi...

I have a little bit of a coffee habit. It really started in undergrad; I honestly don't think I could have made it through undergrad without. I started drinking coffee with cream and sugar when I was in my late teens. Later, I dropped the sugar. Now, I drink my coffee black. Sometimes when I am out at a fancy restaurant, and they bring the coffee with a pitcher of real cream, I will add a little bit, as a treat. But normally, straight up!

I also am very regular about the amount I drink. I usually fill my thermos in the morning at home, and that is all I will drink. If I drink less, I feel sleepy; if I drink more, I feel jittery.

On weekends, though, anything goes. I'll go without (and take a nap instead), I'll have a skim latte (I think I need to work my dairy into my diet), or sometimes, loads at a restaurant.

Today I was running late in the morning, so I didn't have time to brew my pot. In the morning, I picked up a cup of Timmy Ho's. This afternoon, I picked up a cup from the cafeteria downstairs. I used my own cup, which I pour the coffee from my thermos into. I wash it periodically, but only after it has developed a thick layer of stain. Remember: I drink my coffee black, so really, this isn't as gross as it could be.

As I am sipping it, I am noticing something rather odd, but incredibly tasty. My coffee tastes like sushi. Not just a naked roll, but dipped in soysauce - that had wasabi stirred into it - and covered with soysauce-marinated ginger. In other words, it tastes like sushi just the way I like it.

I can't tell if I am very strongly craving.....mmmm....sushi....or if my coffee has some strange additive. But either way, SO TASTY!


At 10:31 p.m., Blogger claire said...

Disturbing...very disturbing...

At 10:31 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl- I have to say I don't much care for the sushi part of the entry but a thermos full of straight up coffee- you are my type of friend- really it is the only way to go why taint a good thing. On that note- I am going to have a good strong cup from tim's myself this evening (I deserve it I am working nights!!)

At 3:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

we should for sushi soon
but coffee after please!!! for me. (i think it's not as good as peanut butter and chocolate...)


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